I was the only one there for every event. I have shared much of my life. In total, there are a lot of individuals involved. Several were close to me, travelling together, sharing food, taking on the challenges with me, if only for a time. Looking back, I realise that I alone have walked my path.
As one friend reminded me today, we will, in time, forget details. I think of how others described this view; “I took a good look at everything I’d done, looked at all the sweat and hard work. But when I looked, I saw nothing but smoke. Smoke and spitting into the wind. There was nothing to any of it. Nothing.” (Ecclesiastes 2:11). What was accomplished may be nothing from the perspective of a rearview mirror. Yet, I recall the experience of being loved, supported, and embraced. This is not nothing. Life reminds me that it is the heart of what it means to live.
I walked with a friend last night. In addition to the steps and elevated heart rates, we shared and collaborated across the stories of our lives. I came away enriched with hope and filled with courage. I am thankful for the exercise, sharing, and step forward in my story. The tags in my life have variations of this across time. In remembering, I find myself hearing the call to accept unconditionally, support without limits, and always be curious to listen to the other’s story and the opportunities we can share in the journey ahead.
Today is an open book that I will fill with words and memories. In getting lost in the story of yesterday, I lose sight of the moment that is now. Each moment I have is an opportunity to gift those around me with attention, a listening ear, and the presence of one who cares. Frankly, I do not know of anything more critical, especially if the one person I am with is myself. Care starts within and expands to include those around me as the healing is underway.
It’s time to tag.