I listened to a start-up pitch recently. It was a fresh concept, more of a variation on a theme than something truly innovative. As strong as the presentation was, something was missing. As I have reflected on my reaction and feedback, it occurs to me that the missing x-factor was a feeling that the pitch was “tangibly real”.
As I consider other experiences this week, I listen to the whispers in my mind, linking my experience with the cup of Italian espresso and the pitch session. With the pitch, I like the proposed idea. I like the founders. I like the fact that they have initial traction with clients. As good as everything is, I would love to know that it is tangibly real. I want to metaphorically sit outside, and savour the experience, enjoying how real and tangible the cup of espresso is. I want to appreciate the way it lingers with me. I want to hear the cry of hope to experience it again. I want to go back and relive my experience.
As I look forward to the day ahead, I can hear the challenge of making life tangibly real. I have a unique opportunity to live, make choices, and interact with others. With each moment, I can exercise my free and make my highest priorities tangibly real.
In each moment, I have an opportunity to be intentional. I choose. I decide. I can be patient, kind, and caring. As complex as life can be, my choice is quite simple. I can embrace what Divinity has done for me by gifting the same to those around me.
Each experience is an opportunity to savour the best. There will be opportunities to improve. With Divinity hand in mine, I am divine.
As I collaborate with Divinity, there is an opportunity to be complete. I hold an old promise close to my heart; “Before it’s all over, there will be a complete Israel. As it is written, A champion will stride down from the mountain of Zion; he’ll clean house in Jacob.” (Romans 11.26)