Truth, tolerance, and diversity are frequently pushed together in an unholy mix. We want all. What follows is a “but” in the rhetoric. Tolerance is nothing without truth. Diversity must stand secondary to truth. Honesty is equated with truth. Candor often wrapped up in honest truth. Whatever we might think of this mix, it is rarely clear. We think we want all, yet in the birthing process “all” often translates into a mix that reflects a personal perspective.
There is something wonderful about a tape measure. It is an aide to seeing the truth without expressing a view in how it is used. One can use the facts that one discovers by a consistent reference point as weapons. Alternatively, one can use the truth that comes from knowing as a vehicle for making a positive difference.
As I think of the challenges that will come today, I find myself holding several keys.
We have access to a benchmark if we choose. A tape measure is available, however we need to decide if we want to use it. One writer described it this way; “Spiritually alive, we have access to everything God’s Spirit is doing, and can’t be judged by unspiritual critics. Isaiah’s question, ‘Is there anyone around who knows God’s Spirit, anyone who knows what he is doing?’ has been answered: Christ knows, and we have Christ’s Spirit.” (1 Corinthians 2.16)
Tolerance, as important as it is, does not mean that we do not know the truth (facts). We can use life’s tools, a connection to Christ’s Spirit, knowledge of Compassion and Mercy, to measure the world around us. This knowledge can inform our reaction. Being tolerant is a process of respecting the way God is working in and through others.
Diversity can help us see more, not less. If we give ourselves permission to understand and hear the other, we are in a place where God’s voice in all its forms speaks. Our permission opens possibility’s door. It is one that God frequents.
I want more. Today can be a step in that direction.