Every organization talks about teamwork. Politicians strive to bring communities together with ideas and ideals. Anyone involved in competition realizes the advantage of working together. Even the greatest skeptic can see the advantage of working together, if only for the benefit of one side! Yet there is little in the world that is more impossible. Everything moves against the idea. Personal, corporate, and national interests are just beginning of building a wall of opposition. Add to the mix a degree of fear in losing control or power, and you have a wall well on the way to the sky.
Teamwork, true unselfish community, is the greatest impossibility I have found in this world. Everything else is easier! Everything else is possible. Anything can be done, except for the impossible.
Yet there are examples of people coming together to accomplish the impossible. The Golden Gate bridge is an example of a very large temporary community banding together to accomplish the impossible. Countless sports teams, if only for brief periods of time, find themselves in a zone. Even individuals fall into a sync with another and magic becomes the norm!
In the struggle between the individual and community there is a hidden premise. Simply put; an individual is happier, filled with more peace, and has an increased potential for greatness being part of a community than he or she does as an individual. The God I know stands for this premise. Divinity is defined by, shaped totally, and lives on because of community. Words such as mercy, compassion, and love only exist in community – never in isolation.
Where does this leave us? I believe we aspire to what is best – for ourselves and for the community in which we live. There is no conflict or tension in this equation. “The goal is for all of them to become one heart and mind—Just as you, Father [God], are in me and I in you, so they might be one heart and mind with us. Then the world might believe that you, in fact, sent [commissioned] me.” (John 17.21)
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