I knew I was in trouble when I felt and sensed my thirst. It was already too late. My body was dehydrated and anything I might do from here on it would be in response to damage, not prevention.
The morning was cool and light. For me, the trimming tasks were challenging and mentally invigorating. Taming the tree is as primal as I get, and it cleared my head. As the hours passed, I could sense the perspiration sheen forming on my face and hands. The sun came on rather casually, however the stillness of the air, the level of humidity, and the effort I was expending, all worked against me. As the hours passed, the thought of taking on some water did not really register.
When I sensed my thirst, I knew I was fighting a losing battle. No matter what I could do at this point, it was playing catch-up at best. As I finished my work, I was already looking for water; almost any water would do! I found an old bottle of Evian in my golf bag; and then I found that what I really wanted was fresh, wholesome, spring water.
As simple as this experienced was and is, it is a great reminder that “a good person's mouth is a clear fountain of wisdom; a foul mouth is a stagnant swamp.” (Proverbs 10.31) When I go looking for truth, I thirst for the best, never wanting but often settling for second best.
I often find it easy to rationalize that the gray water looked relatively clear. I frequently settle for a liquid to quench my thirst that is not fresh and pure. I always end up still thirsty, thirsting for what God created for you and I.
There were two reminders for me this Sunday. Never go long without going back to the source for the water of life. Always get the best, never settle for something less. This morning I am thirsty. I know God is here, the Presence looking to fill my soul. I will drink deep and long.