“How is it going?”
“Good, the next step is being scheduled.”
“Let’s celebrate the progress!”
I love our conversations. As an avid sailor, he is always focused on taking what life gives and working to move forward. This translates in our conversation to open candor, fun brainstorming, and reveling when things move in the right direction. I am often reminded, “There is no need to wait! When we get to the destination we can celebrate again. There are plenty of reasons for reveling, especially now.”
As strong as my fears, uncertainties, and doubts are, he does have a point! We can revel in every step. In my experience, reveling is about taking the time to fully embrace the hope one finds in life. Candid conversations, celebrations, and even course corrections are a natural part of the process. It is a time of marking one’s progress and allowing the reflection to etch itself deep into one’s memory.
As I enjoy the moment, I find myself looking to extend the model to other areas of my life. If the thousand steps cliché holds true across one’s life, there are multiple opportunities to celebrate. When compassion trumps justice, celebrate! When community takes precedence over self, revel! As good things happen, take time to enjoy and embrace hope.
This is not a unique idea. And old psalm gives us the punch line; “Bless our God, O peoples! Give him a thunderous welcome!” (Psalm 66.8) Every step, decision, or choice for good deserves a party of some kind.
It is easy in the euphoria of reveling to forget how integral candor is to the process. Life reminds me that recognizing the difficulty and chaos brings full truth to our lives. It is good to life with open eyes and heart. Experience reminds me that when I do this I open myself up to a Divine touch and embrace. I shift from a posture that reacts to one with clear, focused intent.
For now it is time to note the milestones, revel, and look forward with Hope; dank je wel