I am extremely fortunate. I find evidence in my life that God touches me when I least expect or deserve. I cannot imagine when I really deserve God's touch, except that Divinity says I am a God's. I never truly expect to be touched by God, only to be surprised when Divinity reaches out and embraces me. I am not unique. You are equally a child of God's with all the rights that come along with being a member of Divinity's family. I did not decide this, God did before you or I were conceived.
It never seems automatic. There are dark nights when I cry out to God only to hear silence. There are depressing days when I long for God's touch only to walk alone. There are times when my soul feels utterly deserted. Even as I remember these times, I find myself steady in my belief that God cares. I know God is at work in our lives. There are unending examples of divine engagement in the ordinary events of the day. Through the examples of those that believe, “through the work of the apostles, many God-signs were set up among the people, many wonderful things done.” (Acts 5.12) There is evidence that God is working if I am willing to see and experience.
I wish I could explain why God touches one life in a given moment and why there are dark nights. Frankly, I have no explanation, even for myself. I do know that I see God's mercy as a taxi driver shares his experiences with those in need. I do know that I feel God's embrace when an unexpected gift of friendship shows up when I least expect it. I do know that God is at work in your life and mine.
In this context, I find myself bathed in the gentle warmth of a new day. It is clear that you and I have a calling. We are gifted, so we must give. We are touched, so we must embrace others with compassion and acceptance. We are God's kids.
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