You and I live in a world with multiple languages, ways of doing things, and perspectives. From the melting pot of New York to the cosmopolitan city of Singapore, to the diversity that can be found if one is willing to look, yesterday’s isolated communities are getting smaller. In their place, the extended family – different colors, sizes, and backgrounds – live and die.
In this mix, there are common themes that transcend language and culture. Road rage is universal. It is common to see frustration erupt when one is ignored. Above all, the reaction to beauty is shared. I do not need a translator to understand an angry driver. You can feel his words and emotions! Without knowing precisely what he means, you know what he is saying. One can watch an interaction filled with poor service without a sound track. You and I know what is being said! We can hear the excuses. We can feel the emotions.
The reminder that hit home was the shared sense of wonder that came with the innocent laughter of a child in love with life. They were filled with hope. They felt safe and part of a family. Everything in that moment reflected the best that life offers.
As the sun comes up, the still air, blue sky, and steam rising from the trees invites me to a place where Divinity wants to wrap arms of love and compassion around us. In this moment, I am not concerned with God’s name. The truth of compassion, love, and community transcend our language and cultures. In the context of important differences, there is a core that we share. David’s words are mine; “God, brilliant Lord, yours is a household name.” (Psalm 8.1)
Our differences are important. They are worth discussing, understanding, and discussion. Each is an opportunity to better understand our values, how we look at life, and our souls.
Our shared bonds are worth celebrating. We love beauty. We long for community. We know hope in compassion.
The morning scene reminds me that Life comes with people, opportunity, and choice.