The GPS voice in our Touareg is recognized with affection. We understand our Emma’s information is often a bit dated, at times factually wrong, however she always comes with positive intent. Given our time together, instructions are easy to understand. We love her English accent.
As we headed north in our rental, the voice from the GPS reminded us of Emma. Initially, someone gave her the same name. However, this was not Emma. While the accent was familiar, we lost something in translation! Initially, everyone assumed that I could drive, listen to Emma, and take decisions on when and where to turn. After the first few conflicts, Carli volunteered to step in as translator.
Translation helped. There were a few rules that were core to words. In general, if there was no request to prepare to turn, then the turn at hand was not the preferred choice. If a split screen appeared, then one needed to be ready to make a decision.
For much of the trip, having a translator and following the simple rules was the answer. We knew the mantra; “stay with what you heard from the beginning, the original message. Let it sink into your life.” (1 John 2.24) Follow this and things would work out.
They did, until dusk, city traffic, and new construction came together in an unholy mix. Even in hindsight, I have no idea what I was being asked to do. Carli and I stayed on the same confused page. We discovered that this GPS recalculated quickly. Regardless of how we interpreted the directions, there was a route to our destination. It might be longer, but it would get us there. It might be confusing, but it was possible. It might even take more time, however it could work.
I walked into the hotel knowing that walking with another is always easier than going it alone. Even with help, we may not get the perfect answer. Regardless of what we choose, continuing to walk with another will take us closer to our destination. We will, in time, get there.