An old Jewish rule was that no trials could occur after sunset. Darkness, metaphorically and practically, opened up the accusation of hidden maneuvers and dark agendas. Daylight was a time for transparency. Everyone had the opportunity to see. All things were out in the open.
Transparency was an important value. It opened up the opportunity for truth to win out over evil. One finds that wisdom fathers used it to convey an accusation without bias or negative intent. One example occurred when Paul provided a personal synopsis of why he was where he was (prisoner). “After the Romans investigated the charges and found there was nothing to them, they wanted to set me free, but the Jews objected so fiercely that I was forced to appeal to Caesar.” (Acts 28.18)
More recently, I have found myself reaching for this tool to deal with potential conundrums. When it down, be transparent and let the outcomes fall where the fall.
Specifically, what does one do when the multiple matrix superiors ask one to be present in different locations at the same time? The obvious priority may not be the best priority. The urgent may not be the most important. Transparency opens up the opportunity for a larger conversation.
How should one hold another accountable? Being transparent with the observation and then approaching the conversation an open mind can eliminate the natural defensive/aggressiveness by either or both parties.
Collaboration and transparency opens everyone up to more than they imagine. It is an acknowledgement that there is more to truth than what one person can see. It also brings a refreshing sense of community.
I will warn you, as a wandering Hindu holy man warned me on the Singapore streets recently, that this comes with risk. Being transparent is linked with vulnerability. Others can (and will) take advantage of you. You will not always be able to anticipate the safe moment. Experience suggests there are times where it is a risk worth taking. It opens up the possibility of a greater community. It gives birth to the potential of more.