It is too easy to talk about trust, especially when one does not have anything at risk. Last week, I began to approach a decision point. Even in the early stages I knew this was going to be a difficult process. There were no obvious advantages or glairing issues. I could not find anything specifically ethically or morally compelling with either direction. Time was beginning to run out.
Several factors began to work to my advantage.
First, I ask two trusted friends to take the issues and questions to God on my behalf in faith. I was not asking them to seek and answer; rather I wanted them to listen on my behalf and see if God had any “words” to share.
Second, I placed the opportunities before those what have demonstrated years of sound judgment. Rather than trying to understand what decision they might make, I asked them to probe and describe what they could see from their perspective.
Third, I sought and listened to the insights from my best friend, Cherry.
The process and feedback was incredible. I received words, profound insights, excellent advice, honest interaction, and the assurance of God’s presence. I faced uncertainty that grew much before coming into a form I recognized and could deal with. Early on God clearly said that He was along for the ride and that when the decision came my choice would be perfectly clear.
For much of the ride I had no clue what was going on or how the outcome would play out. Fortunately God promise was there; “[sound advice, good teaching and moral discipline will] protect you from wanton women, from the seductive talk of some temptress.” (Proverbs 6.24)
Brennan Manning defines “faith lived out in real life” as “trust”. This week I began to know without doubt or uncertainty what it means to trust God.
My conclusion is this. Trust is never easy, no matter how confident you are of a friend (even God!). Patience is a unique gift from God that we always undervalue. God’s peace is worth everything and anything.