It is hard to trust, it really is. Those that say differently are either na?ve or trying to convince themselves of something that just isn't factual. Actually I shouldn't suggest that I understand the person who suggests that trust is not difficult, I would diplomatically suggest to them that he or she might carefully test their position in a place of safety and support. The challenge for many of us is that we trust what we don't know and argue against what seems too obvious. Quantum mechanics is beyond my comprehension yet I easily give my trust to the scientists who use QM theories. I do not know how to fly I plane yet I freely give my life to those who pilot the planes I utilize to travel the globe.
God offers us evidence, experiential proof, and witnesses yet I continually challenge his evidence – in words, actions, and choices. I am not unique; I see many around me in the same boat. To each “the believer replied, 'Every promise of God proves true; he protects everyone who runs to him for help. So don’t second-guess him; he might take you to task and show up your lies.'” (Proverbs 30.5-6)
Yet new days dawn, full of the hope marked by bright and sunny blue skies, and I blissfully toss God's offer in the corner. It is as if I am afraid to trust what God will do with me. I want certain things and maybe God will take those away? I desire and could it be that I already know that they are not the best for me? Perhaps it is something hidden that I do not even understand myself. Whatever the source, it is a fact that I struggle to trust that the Divine Spirit is on my side, looking out for my interest and me.
I don't know what this day will bring, I doubt you do either. Regardless of the good or the bad I know that God will be beside you and me – I will stake my life on it.