“God is gracious – it is he who makes things right, our most compassionate God.” Psalm 116.5
Knowing how to make a U-turn is a problem, especially when one drives with right hand drive or does something especially dumb. Understanding how to lend help without giving an agenda message is a challenge. Making the right decision on the fly and under stress is a risky proposition. I find myself making gigantic messes most of the time.
What happens when our good intentions turn into disasters? Most of the time I find a gracious response from the impacted person along with a willing attitude of working things out. Is there a pattern? Where is God?
This morning, as I left from picking up my coffee, I found a girl in apparent distress at the back of a long line of people. She looked tired and wary of any stranger coming near her personal space. There is a small secret for regulars of this store; a second line where one can measure the wait in seconds instead of minutes. My problem was simple; how could I share the secret without coming across with an agenda? The answer was equally simple; do not think or plan, rely on the Spirit to give you the words, body language, and attitude. I do not know what really happened, but I as I said a few words, she got the idea, and her faced echoed a new sense of hope.
It would be easy to take credit for what happened. I got a fresh haircut yesterday and my manner was not offensive. My words were carefully chosen and the execution flawless. It would be easy to say these words, but the truth is something quite different. I am human, my attitude is at best flawed, and no matter what my intentions are my words and body language usually says something else. If anything works it must be the Spirit!
The key lies in turning towards grace, love, and acceptance. It is that simple, just turn towards God. God is my friend and yours.