Yesterday, I tried to do business with a company. I thought it would be a simple process; it was not to be. The receptionist was extraordinarily nice. Her manner was chatty, yet quick – her voice warm, friendly.
On the first call, she enthusiastically asked a few directions to determine what route my call should take. She was indignant when the associate failed to pick up the phone. She was seriously incensed when the call sat on hold for several minutes. Her manner was beautiful, yet I sat without a single positive result. We parted on good terms, a promise of a quick response resting squarely in her shop.
With the second call, her manner was just as positive and enthusiastic. Given the details, she expressed her horror and amazement. She promised quick action or else! Within a few minutes an associate answered and our discussion finally began.
For all her enthusiasm, anger, and attempts at service, the results were extremely poor! If I were to give a grade, it would be a clear C/F; C for effort (cannot get higher when the results are so bad) and F for the lack of any result.
How do you think God would grade you or I? I am afraid that my best would be a D/F. I can see the evaluation already! “Tries hard on occasion, failure is a much more common event.” No matter how hard I think I try, the evaluation would not be that far off. The scene is ugly and it smells.
Solomon captured a dialogue where one party is waxing with eloquence and enthusiasm. “My bed is aromatic with spices and exotic fragrances. Come, let’s…” (Proverbs 7.17,18)
Enthusiasm, confidence, and preparation do not make anything better or more right. Effort can never mask something that is wrong. If it is wrong it is ugly and it stinks; no matter how one delivers the results or presents the proposal.
God knows we try to play these games and responds to the scene with consistent love, grace, acceptance, mercy, and warmth. Thanks, God!