Words are cheap; at least the clich? tells us so. What we need is proof! There is only one kind of proof that counts. Something that is real, tangible, and touchable. On most occasions we miss the point in the argument. The customer, client, participant, friend, or family member is sharing an observation that the words do not seem to be possible because they do not see them being lived by anyone around them, including us. Nothing can be seen. There is nothing to experience. There is no proof.
The real question is a request. Show me. Give me an experience. Let me know what it could be like.
When I think of the word “caring” several people come to mind, some with us and some passed. Their lives demonstrated the word in ways that prove there is no question compassion, tough love, and unconditional acceptance are principles and priorities that can and do shape how people live their lives. There were and are those who still put their arms around my shoulder and tell me candidly, bluntly, and lovingly “we need to go for a walk.” What then transpires is brutally candid conversations laced in love and caring that is touching, incredibly painful, and encouraging. I need these friends! I want, more than my heart knows how to admit, for these extensions of God to stay in my life.
When I think of encouragement and hope, faces come to mind. When I think of enthusiasm for living, faces come to mind. When I think of caring from the inside out, there are even more faces. Each face a glimpse of Divinity, a snapshot of God’s children, that I have personally experienced.
In days of old the question was presented to Jesus.
“They said, ‘Where is this so-called Father of yours?’
Jesus said, ‘You're looking right at me and you don't see me. How do you expect to see the Father? If you knew me, you would at the same time know the Father.’” (John 8.19)
I wonder; what will people see in me today?
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