I have comes to know first hand the difference between understanding something versus knowing mechanically what to do. Far too often we, you, I, and others, think that someone knows what they are doing because they have memorized the steps. Bluntly put; knowing how to get from point A to point B doesn’t mean that you understand the city, its culture, the people, or the intricacies of its layout! Just because you know how to cut a fish open doesn’t mean that you know how to filet a fish to either get the most meat out of it or preserve the maximum flavor and texture.
Without understanding it is impossible to believe with anything more than the preliminary emotions of your heart. The logic behind this is simple; we can act one way in public, toe the line, play the game, but in the end “we” know if we really understand. With understanding we gain knowledge, insight, and the ability to commit. Sometimes it is blurry. There are occasions where others believe we believe. However in the darkness and stillness of the night we know the true story! We may not be able to admit the truth to anyone else, not even our closest friend, but that doesn’t mean we do not sense the truth.
Joel records a blunt assessment of the impact of a devastating drought. “Without grain and grapes, worship has been brought to a standstill in the Sanctuary of God. The priests are at a loss. God's ministers don't know what to do.” (Joel 1.9)
This sounds like so many people I know. Without a bit of technology they are lost. Without some piece of paper saying something that they never read or reference, they have an excuse. Without numbers and shape they cannot paint.
We have something that makes a mockery of every excuse! We have a Spirit that is here to Guide. We have Divinity that changes us from the inside out when we rest in the Presence. We have God. Spend time, understand. Journey together, know. Be with God, live.