It has been six years since I moved. It was an expected transition from always green, lots of rain, and local produce, albeit Malaysia, to the sandy, humid with no rain, imported food of the Emirates. In Singapore, when you include Malaysia as almost local, fruits and vegetables are almost 50% locally sourced. When I arrived, it was hard to find anything locally sourced.
Yesterday, “produced in the UAE” signs dominated the produce section. Broccoli, lettuce, strawberries, the list goes on and on. Everything looks fresh, fit for purpose, and on sale to celebrate the extended period of celebration starting today.
It was, at least for me, a path and destination I did not imagine. I am enjoying the results. With choice, I look for local products. Yesterday’s unimagined is now part of my shopping experience. I caught myself thinking of boundaries and biases as I experienced life when one moves beyond.
My family is a lot bigger than I imagined. I appreciate the diversity of views, experiences, and opportunities living in the Emirates has brought me. The tent that covers my family is a lot larger than I realised at the time. It is filled with individuals who are gracious, kind, and open to a better future.
Collaboration increases the chance of success while also creating new opportunities. The transition to a sustainable proposition continues to create an invitation to work with others in harmony. The opening is beyond anything I had considered. In the past, solo efforts could win. It is not as true today, and even those that do, rarely last. Sustainable collaboration with lots of winners is “the” opportunity.
Today is about telling and living the story. Paul was a trailblazer. His view of a bigger tent and harmony was behind his path; “In such ways, I have trailblazed a preaching of the Message of Jesus all the way from Jerusalem far into northwestern Greece.” (Romans 15.19). My path and yours will be our own. I love the bigger tent. I know harmony is at the heart of a better today.