What is the source of your relationships? Do you trust others solely on their words? Do you look for evidence that backs up rhetoric? Is there an underlying thread of supporting facts? Is it even possible to sustain a friendship without experiential evidence of caring, compassion, and completion?
There is a growing contrast in relationships. When I look at the differences I see two points along a spectrum. These are not necessarily the extreme; rather they are two very different marks that come with different characteristics.
The first are relationships based on simple trust. The source of the trust varies, often is it purely a product of being together for long periods of time and is especially strengthen with common adversaries in the early days. Simple trust relationships often strengthen with time to the point that they are seen as unbreakable or nearly so. Beyond the trust there is little that binds the two souls together.
One contrast is a relationship based on experiential trust. The source of the trust started and grows based on evidence seen, heard, witnessed often during times of extreme stress. It is in these moments that the two parties believe they have seen the true character of the other party. With the evidence now gathers they find themselves drawn together. In many ways this relationship is stronger than the first because of a simple difference. The latter has physical events and living history mixed with an understanding of the motives behind the action and activities. The combination strengthens the bonds or destroys them; there is little in the middle.
God doesn’t ask us to simply trust. He offers evidence, experiential evidence. An example is found in a story of old.
“He asked them what time he began to get better. They said, ‘The fever broke yesterday afternoon at one o'clock.’ The father knew that that was the very moment Jesus had said, ‘Your son lives.’ That clinched it. Not only he but his entire household believed.” (John 4.52-53)
Today is an opportunity for a real relationship, with each other, with God.