“Fix my eyes upon God – soon I’ll be praising again. He puts a smile on my face. He’s my God.” Psalm 42.11
Good people I care about have bad things happening to them. I see terrible injustices happening in the world. TV news and pictures brings lumps to the throat and tears to the eyes. Regardless of the justice involved, the scenes hurt everyone involved. Participant’s lives are being torn apart while spectators are haunted by the fabric which in turn rips the values of heart and soul.
Where is God in all this? Where am I?
These questions are painful. Earlier in this psalm, the writer talks about being on a diet of tiers, chaos calling to chaos, and crying the blues.
In answering our questions, we can always try to deny. We can say God is not there or does not care. An option for sure, however I do not believe a follower of God really believes this is either true or the answer.
Another option, which the Psalm suggests, is the following. God cares deeply about each life. God is actively working to bring grace into the lives of every human being. God continues to give men and women the freedom to accept his love or reject it. God’s gift of freedom gives freedom and responsibility. Are the choices we make the cause for the problems we see? If not our choices then the choices of others?
When I look around me, examine my life in detail, I do not find God out looking to cause pain. I find a God who cares resolutely that I find my original purpose and beauty. I find a God who is desperately looking to inject grace into every situation. I find a God in tears when people are hurting.
God gives us each the freedom of choice. Accept or reject his offer of acceptance and love. We have a freedom of choice that plays itself out in every decision of life. It is truly a gift from God.
The vision is ours to accept or reject.