“How deep is the well?”
I could guess, however, candor reminded me that I did not know.
“I do not know.”
The requests sitting in my inbox that require me to go to the well are more than I can deal with. Emails, Facebook messages, tweets, text messages, and conversations sit partially answered. What remains with each is a question that loops me back to the beginning. How deep is the well?
I do not know. I know Life has a way of battering our hearts and minds. As positively intentful as we are, it may not be enough. As willing as we might be, there may not be enough to draw on. In the midst of storms that hit us when we least expect it, it is natural to reassess.
I catch myself taking shelter inside as the rain mixes with the light of a new day. In the gray haziness of it all, I remind myself that there is hope in and amount the raindrops. I am holding onto the following mantras.
One can do more than one imagines. I can start with Paul’s request to a community; “Be as generous as you can. When I get there you’ll have it ready, and I won’t have to make a special appeal.” (1 Corinthians 16.2) Whatever is there will be the best I can muster.
Regardless of the request, there are always more ways one can help. A plea is more than the words. In responding with transparency, candor, and hope, I have the opportunity to offer all that I have, trusting that God will replenish as is needed.
Life is an ongoing call to action. You and I can make a difference – to others as well as to our self. We are vehicles of change and transformation. The God gifted freedom within us is our gateway to making the world a better place.
I do not know how deep the well is. I do know that I can act in love, compassion, and hope. God relentlessly fills you and me with these unconditional gifts.