Relaxing in the pool brings a different perspective. It’s incredible to say the least. Hot, sunny weather colored by a light breeze contrasting with the soft cool water, inviting, soothing, and refreshing. In the distance one can see the mountains. I remember the snow from the winter months. I recall the bustle from the cities back east. Everything in the frame, yet the peace overwhelms everything. There has to be something I can take from this. Depending on the place and time the view is very different.
“Yes, from the east God's glory will ascend. Every island of the sea will broadcast God's fame, the fame of the God of Israel. From the four winds and the seven seas we hear the singing: ‘All praise to the Righteous One!’
But I said, ‘That's all well and good for somebody, but all I can see is doom, doom, and more doom.’ All of them at one another's throats, yes, all of them at one another's throats.” (Isaiah 24.15, 16)
There has to be something transcending both perspectives. I find the true sources of peace common across the divide; people. People change everything; models of compassion fight battles against those driven by justice. Others pass out mercy without thought, quenching the thirst of those drained by rigid rules and formality. Some fade into oblivion, lost because there was no one who was paying attention. Imagine a community shaped as a family with true love and belonging.
The way I advocate isn’t easy. We are called to the highest levels of accountability, with a goal of always striving to improve and be better than we are today. We are invited to see ourselves for what we really are; knowing that our knowledge does not define what we see. We are priceless children of God. We can participate in God’s reach into the world around us. We are ambassadors, valets, and models of what God is – compassionate action, realized mercy, and experienced acceptance. The scene plays in the west and in the east, in your life and mine.
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