It is easy to get lost, not knowing where you are. Maps can be helpful, especially when they have a location pointer to give you a reference point. I, like many in my gender, do not always willingly ask others for help. I intuitively believe I know where I am, where I want to get to, and the steps I need to take to get me from the present to the future. Life regularly reminds me that my belief serves little purpose since it is not connected with facts and knowledge.
Uncertainty is good when one can see it as an invitation. As I look in the metaphorical mirror this morning, I wonder where I am and where I think I am going. I can see the outline of my dreams. The interesting challenge is that I do not always see myself present and accounted for. I can see the space. I know what is going on. One description is from old; “It is the city where God is Judge, with judgments that make us just.” (Hebrews 12.23) My challenge is that I do not always see myself in the city. Uncertainty becomes tangible with the recurring question – what will I do with what I know?
Asking questions, within and without, is a gateway to more. As curious as I am with others, I am often not curious about where I am and how to get to where I want to be. The sign of where I am opens the door to understanding new awareness and an opportunity to grow. As the light grows within, I see my reluctance as another invitation to grow. My approach to yesterday does not need to be on an auto-repeat.
Standing still is a part of moving forward. I grew up with the idea that one constantly needed to be moving. Even on vacation, it was about doing, achieving, and completing. In my decision to slow down to the point of standing still and silent, I rediscovered my priorities, values, and purpose. I see the value of where I am.