Whitney reminds me of my relationship with God. She thirsts for unconditional acceptance, love, and a sense of belonging while she wonders what life will throw at her next. The combination in the context of the relationship is problematic; Whitney faces the battering from life amplified by the time and place in which she lives with while trying to hold onto the very life-lines she needs to sustain her sense of connection and being.
I carry a desire and thirst to be an advocate and nurturing presence in Whitney’s life. It isn’t just the fact that I am “dad”, there is more to the pull. Nurturing is at the heart of my calling, I sense the challenge, pains, and thirsts of her heart, and I have loved her for as long as she has had life. The combination brings together the heart, mind, and soul in a unique way I know is totally, completely, and fully unconditional and without limit. The challenge lies is the two-way relationship. It isn’t enough I feel this way;
Whitney has a choice. It is a choice you and I face with God. Do I accept God’s offer? Do I understand Divinity’s words? Can I be certain?
Even in Jesus day the questions were there. The story says evidence didn’t fully resolve their doubts. The understanding of those involved was blind to new possibilities, unconventional ways of realizing Divinity’s presence, and the sheer magnitude of what was being presented free and clear. It wasn’t that the words didn’t make sense, they did. I wasn’t that they didn’t understand the words, they did. It was the fact they couldn’t believe the words they heard time and time again!
The answer to their doubt was simple and direct. “Jesus replied, ‘You're right that you only have my word. But you can depend on it being true. I know where I've come from and where I go next. You don't know where I'm from or where I'm headed.” (John 8.14)
Unconditional love is something one can depend on; God’s to all, mine to Whitney.
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