The last scooter in the group was small, beat up to the point that many considered it thrashed. There was not much that would invite anyone to ride it if s/he had a choice. As I watched the tall lanky university’s student from Norway flop his body over the seat, I found myself wondering if the pink scooter was going to survive his weight. The suspension sagged as he sat on it. Even the tires looked like they were being pushed to their limit. We were not going far, so hopefully both would get from point A to B without breaking or being hurt.
As we lined up behind the leader, the scooter rolled silently into its place, at the rear bringing up the pack. As we stared our engines, everything seemed in order, until the last in line turned the key. I did not see it coming. The exhaust hinted of something potent under the seat. As the light turned green, everyone rolled their throttle slowly clockwise except for Mr Pink. With a quick twist of the wrist, the pink scooter punched itself half way up the line, front week 3 feet off the ground and the kid hanging on for his life! All I noticed was the grin from ear to ear.
“I always forget.”
My first thought was a single word, “sure.” I wondered how many times others had reacted to Mr Pink like I did. From the conversation that followed, it seems that I had repeated the actions of many before me. “All day long my enemies taunt me, while others just curse.” (Psalm 102.8)
“The conversation always changes when I do a wheelie or pass them they try accelerating off the line. When people look at me funny or say something sarcastic, I just ignore them. I know what is inside. I cannot blame them because they do not.”
It is fun to see wisdom move. You never know what you are going to find or experience inside until you see it in action. It was childish and impressive.