I am sitting in the middle of a windstorm. The morning light is just beginning to let one see the turmoil that continues from the night. The unceasing rain, harsh gusts of wind, and the natural of the trees and building blocking their path combine to paint a battle that must have victims. In my mind I know the storm will not always continue, however, at this time it is hard to imagine the day in any other condition.
Images and pictures bubble away in the mind, all centered on battles of one kind or another. Each of us is at war in one way or another. Individual hurdles and numbing walls confront people every day. One less than optimal decision will haunt and torture a person for years, even decades. We know in our minds that the problems will not always continue, however, it is often hard to imagine the day that will be any different from the present.
I prayed with someone yesterday. His journey is similar to mine. I struggled to sense if my prayer made a difference, if my words reached God or his soul. In the end, I let go knowing that God was going to continue his grace in his life and mine. I came thinking I was the one who needed healing prayer. I left knowing that I had been God's voice, if only for a few moments and that two of us were going away stronger and more complete than when we came.
The winds of life can catch, push, and twist you or I. The pain and challenge can be overwhelming. It is good to know that God never stops his work and always looks for opportunities to touch and nurture our life. At the same time, “those of us who are strong and able in the faith need to step in and lend a hand to those who falter, and not just do what is most convenient for us.” (Romans 15.1)
God can still the winds, in your life and mine. Just give him a chance.