All my life, my stride was one that was intent on winning. I competed aggressively, yet with a motivation of being honest. I always want to win in any game of sport. I like, must, get projects completed on time. I needed to win in the corporate rat race. Losing experiences were not disasters. Losing moments were merely training lessons as I regrouped and prepared for the next opportunity that I was certain was just around the corner.
My approach to winning has brought many good things. I can, if motivated, get projects around the house done! I work well with friends, if I moderate my aggressiveness in striving for the perfect solution in the shortest time. People often consider me a hard worker and bright. However, there is a dark side.
“I” always gets in the way of God. I am determined to win on my terms. I am willing to sacrifice or ignore everything else in order to achieve what I think is important. I must be satisfied, no matter how unreasonable my demands, requirements, or goals might be. I is number one. I; I think you get my point.
God came along and pressed me to see just how different his plan and approach is. “In his Son, Jesus, he [God] personally took on the human condition, entered the disordered mess of struggling humanity in order to set it right once and for all. The law code, weakened as it always was by fractured human nature, could never have done that.” (Romans 8.4) The result was that my “winning” takes on a whole new dimension!
God already won everything that is worth winning in life. His winning is my winning. I do not, and actually cannot, win anything more! This discovery, along with the fact that my “worth” comes from God’s winning, changes everything! I can win be responding to what God wants me to do. I can achieve everything by just resting in God and being open to God’s opportunities to give unconditional acceptance, grace, and love.
We can win, with God.