If I were up at 5 am anywhere else in the world, everything around me would likely be asleep. In Abu Dhabi, on Al Reem Island, I wake to a quiet buzz of people at work. Cement trucks are on the move. Busses are bringing in the last of the workers for the morning shift. The lights are on. Change is underway.
I read about the days when this was a sleepy place where nothing much was going on. It is hard to imagine. It feels as though a ruler was inspired. He looked at the old, and “since it didn’t get the job done, there was a change of priesthood, which brought with it a radical new kind of law.” (Hebrews 7.12). A fresh approach. A commitment to future generations. Everything began to change, albeit slowly at first, followed by an acceleration that continues through today.
Life likes to remind me of what is not working. This reminder can feel negative at times. I have come to appreciate that the intent is the opposite of negative. Life is cheering for me to be at my best and get the most out of my life. When I am less than my best, it is time for change.
Awareness is a starting point, not the finish line. Awareness of an opportunity to grow can lead to learning and change. The conditional word “can” centres on my willingness to embrace and apply the learning to the moment at hand. On my best days, in the most amazing moments, I am successful. On most days, there are endless windows to do something different because of the awareness and learning that has already occurred. Each window is a unique opportunity that shapes the beginning of the chapter. My words and actions will reveal the rest.
Life is in each moment. In caring to make a difference, one finds a path filled with people and opportunities to share kindness and care. In slowing down, I find myself celebrating each encounter. The stage is waiting for our transformative story to be told.