Striving to know our role is often a life long quest. Where do we fit in life? Am I a functioning member of a family? Do I contribute to the people and world around me? Can I share what is going on with someone else who cares and is interested in me?
For many the answers are difficult to find or accept. They go on to become driving criteria to their decisions and behavior. Nobody seems to accept them as an unconditional member of their group. Life seems to extract a continual price, and companionship always comes at a price. Money helps, drugs seem to be an answer, and drink an escape. Self worth often defies an accurate calculation.
Watching two girls grow up, with their insecurities battling with their needs for individual identities, is a case study that should remind me of the true source of self-worth. I often forget the tag line, much to my own demise. Our worth is defined by our role in the family who claims God as its father. “Each part gets its meaning from the body as a whole, not the other way around.” (Romans 12.4) We are worth what we are worth because of the value God places on us, not because of anything we have or will do.
How do I explain this to an eleven year old? Ironically as I try to ask that question I come face to face with the reality that often I do act like I know the answer! I keep exploring other options; working my way to value, buying things to give my life worth, and defining myself by status or power. Each decision forms a hidden challenge the role of God in my life and a direct denial of his gift.
The answer to my questions as well as the girls comes in living. Can I make this moment and decision a statement that reflects that family of God that I am a part of? Am I looking to God for answers? God believes you and I are worth everything.