Frames show up in all kinds of places. In the U.S. the majored of homes are wood framed. In the UK homes are framed differently, poured concrete floors with brick walls generally shape the building. The description of frames lets us use the word as a metaphor to describe the hard outline which gives shape and form for many ideas. Political parties frame their agenda by their manifesto, sports teams are framed their approach to the game by a style of play, and corporation frame their approach to making money by statements of principles, values, and objectives. Even individuals frame their life. Externally you can track it by decisions and actions; yet it is the choices made in the quietness of solitude which most often frame the true picture of their souls.
Far too often we ignore our personal frames. I find myself talking about freedom, being spontaneous, and going with what life gives. As I look back on the choices I have made I find many are shaped by personal ego, self worship, and fear. It is really difficult to look fully into the mirror when one honestly examines the principles and values which frame one’s life. There should be a warning! Be careful, you may not be able to handle what you see. Even if you can, you may not like it. Looking deeply and honestly is a process with a mirror that rarely flatters.
Jesus had a firm frame for his life. It centered on the principles of mercy, compassion, and unconditional acceptance. For him the principles of his life permeated everything. Nothing was exempt. There were no alternatives. This was radical, extremely unconventional approach. It was also confusing to those around him. To make things simple he offered the following advice. “If you keep my commands, you'll remain intimately at home in my love. That's what I've done—kept my Father's commands and made myself at home in his love.” (John 15.10)
Today is bright, clear, and full of fresh opportunities to establish a framework which will last forever. Go for it!
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