New coaches, managers, and even victorious politicians face unending challenge. Why should anyone believe them? Sure, they have been appointed; but what gives them the “right” to do anything different from yesterday? Sheer power does not come with authority. Brute force does not bring respect. Even momentum and force will not drag buy-in; far more often than not momentum and force merely create passive resistance. Why should anyone believe?
Embracing the question brings a different perspective with two sides. First, the receiver is expressing a series of fears, uncertainties, and doubts. It doesn’t mean that every detail needs to be addressed. Rather it is simply an honest reaction to something inherently different in the future than it is now. The key lies is finding and dealing with the underlying fear on which everything else rests. Is the loss of belonging at the core? Perhaps a framework which defines worth is being challenged. Whatever it is, there is little point in dealing with the endless unless the starting point is found, analyzed, and turned from weakness into nurture.
Secondly, what is the motive of the messenger? Do they get something out of the thought conversion? Is it primarily a battle for control? Is the change one of self centric manipulation?
If one looks at the question holistically there is clearly a link to the problems you and I face today. Where does Divinity sit in our journeys? How do we deal with the needs haunting us in the quietness of the night? What do we do with our fears? Even when I turn outside I find myself wondering what is in it for God. Why would Divinity bother? Am I truly priceless? Is God real?
The answer comes as we accept a promise in faith. “I've told you these things for a purpose: that my joy might be your joy, and your joy wholly mature.” (John 15.11) In love, acceptance, and mercy we find peace. In compassion we find purpose. In being we find our souls. When we put these together we know why we believe.
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