London cabbies are required to take a test in order to earn the right to have a license. It takes an average of two years of study before they can pass! It is something that one appreciates but cannot imagine. The test has a unique name – The Knowledge.
I often find myself coming back to this reference point. When someone has the knowledge, you know you will never be lost in London. You also know the person carries a code of pride, confidence, and sterling honesty. They have a unique insight that is willingly shared as a service to others. Yes, there is a fair price associated with it. The emphasis is always on the fair.
As I think of individuals across history that know what others do not, I find that each carried a responsibility to her/his community. It was as if the knowledge was a gift from a higher power. Their witness speaks of something I look at in wonder. What would I do if I knew every nook and lane of London? What would I be like if I carried Paul’s story? His words speak of an insight I can only imagine. “We’re telling you in most sober prose that what we witnessed was, incredibly, this: The infinite Life of God himself took shape before us.” (1 John 1.2)
As I sit in silence, reflecting on their unique story, I realize that you and I have our stories. Each reflects a one of a kind combination of experiences that gift us with a special perspective and life, beauty, and wonder. The fact that we have a story is never in question. The question is what will we do with it?
Will I use my story and knowledge for others?
Will the community I touch be better for my presence?
Will I strive to make a positive difference?
Each question is a possibility of my story’s power. I can make a difference. I can help others. I can gift and serve. I can take my knowledge and do something. Freedom empowers choice, action.