Every eye was on the presenter. Senses were on high alert. Whatever might happen outside was put aside for 3 hours of classroom time. I listened to one of my co-presenters last night and watched the students in the class. Without any reminders or warnings about mobiles or ringtones, the room remained quieter than a church. The silent intensity could be sense through facial muscles, postures, and a lack of movement. Nothing was going to deter them, even when there was a pause in the presentation.
On the morning after I look out on Singapore waking up for a new day. The early morning fog is lifting from the botanical gardens. The sound of cars, motorcycles, and busses filling the roads is steadily building. It is a picture of stillness moving into familiar chaos. Everyone is focused on her/his thing, whatever it might be. There is a politeness in the choices individuals are making however it is clear that each is on an individual mission.
Last night, I was witness to something quite different. Individuals wanted to be there. Although each was try to launch her/his own company, there was a sense of shared purpose, need, and community. They wanted to increases their chances of success. Others were willing to share, and they were willing to receive. The process was one of unconditional giving and acceptance.
The chaos and demands of the detail often demand my attention. Last night reminded me that there is an alternative. Similar to Paul point in another time, “I don’t want to just drop by in between other “primary” destinations. I want a good, long, leisurely visit.” (1 Corinthians 16.7) I found myself in the company of people committed to dialogue. Because of what they brought to the process, I came away filled with a greater sense of hope and possibilities.
Today is a fresh chapter with blank pages. You and I will be authors of our story today. We have an invitation to give fully of ourselves to the moment at hand. It is one I will not take lightly.