Two projects required the “right” materials. The shop is filled from floor to ceiling with threads, yarns, and everything one might think would be associated (think buttons, clasps, magnetic snaps, and more). It was chaotic. The yarns were everywhere and anywhere to the untrained eye, but the store assistants knew where each item should be.
I was there for my views on colour. Going in, I thought my role was going to be simple. As I began to explore the two levels, I found myself overwhelmed with shades, nuanced differences, and choices. As I clarified my role, I found myself asking about context, purpose, and intent. I wanted to understand the project, intended audience, and ideas behind the project. As my views began to form, I could hear life whispering reminders using the images dominating my senses.
Help is closer than one realises. As I began to understand the ideas, I also imagined the difficulties in getting from the present to the future. I could see how one might believe it was going to be impossible. Once in the store, with smiling and cheerful help, the impossible morphed into multiple possibilities. In the experience, the lonely journey became anything but. Others were reaching out to help. Each gifting hope and courage.
With resources, anything can be accomplished. Knowing the need, I underestimated the quantity and quality of “stuff” available to make the projects real. The variety of threads alone, this picture captures just one of the 3 sections like it, formed a clear proof statement. As I opened myself up to what is available, my confidence began to grow.
Visions can be shared. As I brought people and resources together with the vision, I realised there was a plan. My doubts and uncertainty were replaced by belief. I knew, following the record of one before me talking of Divinity when he was “sure that God would make good on what he had said.” (Romans 4.21). I know the projects will work.
My role is to exercise freedom, to choose. The call was then and is now.