I grew up in a world where errant children and young individuals were corporately punished. The edge of a ruler hitting my stiff knuckles as my hands were flat on the wooden desk still stings when I close my eyes. The taste of washing my mouth out with soap lingers to this day. I look back with eyes of compassion and sadness. Individuals in positions of authority, parents, teachers, and religious leaders employed methods that brought pain before learning. I am a believer in responsibility and accountability. At the same time, I do not believe the point of a metaphorical sword is the starting point for every situation, especially with those we love.
The dawn is slowly emerging. The soft golden colours take me to a place of hope. I know so much more is possible. I am hopeful, for my community, others, and myself. We can do better! As I consider the challenges, I hear Life whispering a few guidelines that I should carry with me.
Accountability is a friend of compassion. I respect the fact that I had forefathers who fought in religious wars. I suspect they wrapped their arms around one author’s note; “If the old message delivered by the angels was valid and nobody got away with anything,” (Hebrews 2.2) They believed they were the enforcers. There is a time and place for punishment. I am also convinced I should start with care and kindness, each wrapped in love. Accountability is applied with each of these present.
Passion and convictions ideally begin in the community with the best interests of the individuals at heart. I have experienced what happens when this is one-sided. I have also experienced the wonder that emerges when passion and conviction are combined with personal freedom, learning, and growth. I am who I am because of individuals who believed I could be part of the greater story.
I can show that my convictions start with kindness and my passion with care. My goals may be the same. My choice of the way to achieve them is my responsibility.