I looked to the side and saw my shadow. It reminded me of where I had been and the details of the path I had chosen to take. In addition to the specifics, I could see lost opportunities and decisions I would make differently if I were to repeat those steps. Even though the reflection came quickly, the words were already in my story and could not be changed. It felt as though I was a character in an old story; “You well know how Esau later regretted that impulsive act and wanted God’s blessing – but by then it was too late, tears or no tears.” (Hebrews 12.17)
Regret is not something I find helpful when it lingers. Life continues to remind me that she uses regret and guilt as triggers for awareness and learning. Each serves a purpose that diminishes over time. When a personal shadow appears, I can feel everything occurring in that moment. I am aware of the context, people involved, my intent, and other factors. With regret, the pivot points within my steps revealed themselves as opportunities to do things differently. The goal is to learn and grow, to use experience as a step towards a better future, and not to get trapped in the past.
One changes one’s shadow by moving forward. In this case, the light turned green, and while my reflection continued, I stepped forward with greater awareness, deeper understanding, and a renewed sense of purpose. The feeling of what I could have done turned into a motivation drive to change what I would do with the journey ahead of me. The shadow was part of the etching of my life, with more to be written. As I turned, I realised I had an empty white canvas where I could paint.
Shadows can appear at any moment. The fact that they are in our lives does not mean that one is facing a dark event. Shadows exist because someone notices them. Each shadow is an invitation for individual reflection, learning, and growth. Each is a reason for celebration!