Watching somebody react to India can be fun, but it is also incredibly frustrating at times. For those who rediscover their compassion, my empathy and engagement knows no boundaries. For those who find themselves on a quest of knowledge and experience, my support is endless. For those who ignore everything and just take, ah, for them my distain struggles to remain quietly below the surface. React in anyway you want but react!
When you have something that others don’t have it is as if one carries a special obligation to use that talent, resource, or strength. Ignoring the true reality is something in the realms of the worst king of abuse! Yet we often just let it go, believing that we are “not our brother’s keeper” or “you have your life and freedom, I have mine”. I cannot see how just sitting on the sidelines is an option that anyone should accept as “ok”. But the question sits; what are you, what am I going to do about it?
Doing something, anything, requires courage and fortitude. Being right isn’t going to keep you safe. Knowing the true facts doesn’t come with armor. Saying it like it is will not always bring friendship and admiration. In fact quite the contrary, messengers get killed, those who act are often not rewarded, and taking risks means that you will be judged by those who do not want you to succeed at any cost.
Doing nothing isn’t an option. My thoughts follow Joel’s outcry in his situation. “Also you priests, put on your robes and join the outcry. You who lead people in worship, lead them in lament. Spend the night dressed in gunnysacks, you servants of my God. Nothing's going on in the place of worship, no offerings, no prayers—nothing.” (Joel 1.13)
Look around you! Something is going on! Take stock and act. Little things are “big” to those in need. We can make a difference! The price is, if God is leading, worth everything. It starts with knowing, being, and making a choice to engage in life.