Traumatic things happen in life; it is both inevitable and normal. Some suggest these events and situations give life its’ color, texture, and spice. Maybe, but I don’t know anyone looking forward to them. It is as if we know they will come but we do everything possible to avoid them. As hard as it is personally, watching someone close to you go through a difficult path is even worse. I wish I knew how to take on the burdens and traumas of those I love. At best I can be there, cheering. On a good day I can express my empathy, give away compassion, and be there in person. Is this enough?
In the midst of this reflection, I find myself getting caught up in the blues. It is far too easy to abuse your soul, demanding that there is something more than can and should be done! It is as if I am devaluing the people who have nurtured my own journey. I think of the gift’s of assurance and see how critically important the diet of hope, confidence, and at times compassion as and continues to be. There were and are difficult times; especially the moments of accountability, questioning, and challenging. Yet it was in those moments I found the brightest visions of the future. I can see now how the gifts of love, friendship, and true mercy were instrumental in setting a truer course.
Even on a bright sunny day I find myself wondering what happens next. To those who have been my “friends” I want you to know I recognize, value, and treasure everything you do, even if there are days I rebel, fight, and run away! For those I know are facing tough challenges, remember Jesus’ words; “You've heard me tell you, ‘I'm going away, and I'm coming back.’ If you loved me, you would be glad that I'm on my way to the Father because the Father is the goal and purpose of my life.” (John 14.28)
There is help. It is here. Enjoy the journey and the hands
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