The negatives were overwhelming. No matter how many different vantage points I found to see the situation, it was ugly. Hope seemed to have left, totally disappearing. Hope’s traditional friends, compassion, grace, and community were hard to find as well. There was little one could positively look to for help.
I would like to say that the answer miraculously appeared and everything was sorted. Cynically, as occasionally true as these stories might be, my doubts go on high alert whenever they are retold. It seems that others would have me believe that the specifics in one’s world always work out if…any convenient condition to a mythical promise will do for the last part of the sugar coated premise.
Life reminds me that things are often difficult, for those deserving of challenges and those struggling to survive under them. From overwhelming situations and practical things like homework (work that inevitably needs to be finished at home) to painful realities, life often does not work out in the short term. Maybe it does in the bigger scheme of things however waiting until life is over to see relief does seem rather pointless.
Yet, in and among the blackness of life there are blips of beauty, wonder, and unconditional acceptance. In the gentle peace of a view, in the sparking eyes of a child, and in the kindness randomly given by one stranger to another, Hope lives. When one lets these moments in time touch one’s heart, everything pivots and it feels as though a spark has touched one’s heart. Often there is no reason or justification. It seems random but is it. Whatever the reason, whatever the cause, we need more of this in our lives!
To Divinity I offer the following prayer; “I know when ‘You pour out rain in buckets, O God; thorn and cactus become an oasis,’ (Psalm 68.9) so give me the courage to let Life’s blips of Hope, Compassion, and Caring touch my heart and soul.”
For others and myself, I silently point towards beauty, wonder, and love; may each work its magic.