I leave India with a sense of calling. It is as if I know the heart call which my head denies. Ironically in the midst of the chaos and extremes I find inspiration from people who know their destiny and are not afraid to respond. It is especially clear in the lives of the sadhu (one fully and completed devoted to the devotion of Divinity). They know they are called to a spiritual path. The knowledge contains admirable certainty. There is nothing to apologize for, it is who they are. There can be no wavering, though in the darkness of the night I am sure the doubts, fears, and uncertainties wage an unending battle. It is without question a calling transcending life itself.
One can wonder about how this applies to the individual under observation but the externals are clear. Life has a clear purpose. Life follows a path. It is as if the outcome for the faithful can be predicted with a certainty I long for! Yes there are sacrifices; material possessions and the pursuit of worldly success are no on the agenda. Families exist in a way secondary to the prime calling. Comfort, even what you and I consider basic life necessities, is optional. The path has been prescribed from across the ages, the only question is how it plays out in today’s time, place, and culture.
There are those who think this is either new or merely something of the east. If one looks across history it is clear the facts say something quite to the contrary. One merely looks at the life of Jesus and understands that “Jesus got a young donkey and rode it, just as the Scripture has [predicted] it: No fear, Daughter Zion: See how your king comes, riding a donkey's colt.” (John 12.14, 15)
You and I are called to be Divinity’s witness. I would like to remind you and my self as well, how clear the call is. We have no option, no excuse. We can run but the call remains. We are God’s children and representatives.
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