I grew up in sleeping towns with a father who told stories of cities far away. As odd as it...
Read moreDetailsI grew up in sleeping towns with a father who told stories of cities far away. As odd as it...
Read moreDetailsI ride a small Yamaha - 115cc scooter that is known by its model name – Fino. I know that...
Read moreDetailsThe hands of justice can be slow. I struggle because I like swift, sharp, definitive justice. I say that knowing...
Read moreDetailsBowties are not something I often wear. Just the thought reawakens every fear, uncertainty, and doubt within me. The limited...
Read moreDetailsThere are days when I am convinced the bad guys are going to win. To be clear on the meaning...
Read moreDetailsI often wonder if anyone knows how close s/he got to the edge with exceptions found in reflective look backs...
Read moreDetailsClichés are often myths turned into legends. Many are accepted at face value, unquestioned if only because they have been...
Read moreDetailsHistory is filled with stories of people running from the truth. Iconic movie characters confront us with this reality. We...
Read moreDetailsFor longer than I care to admit, I have struggled and wrestled with life’s demons in the darkness of my...
Read moreDetailsI woke to a wonderful scene; crisp snow and sun everywhere I looked. From the mountains around me to the...
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