Rallying Cry
As my workout extends itself, a visible measure of intensity and effort is the sweat on my shirt. If it...
Read moreDetailsAs my workout extends itself, a visible measure of intensity and effort is the sweat on my shirt. If it...
Read moreDetailsAs I listen to the bravado about gym aspirations the only correlation I have found is between how strong an...
Read moreDetailsIt has been a hard couple of days. Something about everything has gotten to me. Physically, I am tired and...
Read moreDetailsI pulled up to the light at Henderson and Bukit Merah behind a small red company van. The van was...
Read moreDetailsI listen to action stories without seeing any action. I listen to tales of bravery and valor without seeing any...
Read moreDetailsIt is demotivating and demoralizing when someone is recognized for something they have not earned or do not deserve. It...
Read moreDetails“Do you want to reach your goal? If so, you are going to have to push yourself.” I now look...
Read moreDetailsI have been slightly to moderately overweight for decades. I know it. The doctors and others who help me with...
Read moreDetailsI love stories. I enjoy the extras in a story - the nuances, colors, and textures that make a story...
Read moreDetailsSeveral months ago I lost my aging iPod at the gym. It wasn’t special other than it worked. It was...
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