As I reflect on a dreary London morning, I can see three phases to my work here. The first phase...
Read moreDetailsAs I reflect on a dreary London morning, I can see three phases to my work here. The first phase...
Read moreDetailsPeople may wonder about many different things when it comes to my personality; bluntness is not one of them. I...
Read moreDetailsI easily remember the first days of my work in London. It was only a short time ago, however, that...
Read moreDetailsAs I categorize what I fear most there are several things fighting their way to the top. I try to...
Read moreDetailsYesterday I met an old friend and a new one. Additionally, I spent time with others that could grow into...
Read moreDetailsWatching people grow is fun, exciting, aging, and depressing all at the same time. The excitement and fun comes through...
Read moreDetailsWatching people is a great way to spend time. The spectrum the goes by in almost any location is amazing....
Read moreDetailsGetting together carries an inherent purpose. We do not need to plan things most of the time, we just hang...
Read moreDetailsHelping out with a Lion’s club fundraiser carries special rewards. After thirty plus hours in the mall, I now have...
Read moreDetailsI can vividly remember my early lessons in the birds and the bees. The mystery of human interaction, relationship, and...
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