On the way in from the airport, the car service driver entertained me with the story of Cluj’s recent snow. In...
Read moreDetailsOn the way in from the airport, the car service driver entertained me with the story of Cluj’s recent snow. In...
Read moreDetailsMany individuals make things far more complicated than they need to be. If I am thinking of anyone specifically as I...
Read moreDetailsI have always been in a rush. I remember it being more fun to run than to walk. If I could use...
Read moreDetailsOn my walk to work there is a stone column with a clock face. For weeks, I believed the clock did...
Read moreDetailsIn my walk to and from work I pass a fountain in front of an office tower. The building is striking...
Read moreDetailsThe incident did not reflect me at my best. A colleague overstepped boundaries and responded on my behalf. On one hand, it...
Read moreDetailsThe cliche of taking care of yourself before helping others is replayed on many different levels. With the warning given to...
Read moreDetailsI found myself confronted by an odd realization recently. It was in a comfortable setting with friends. As I stood with a...
Read moreDetailsI recently re-experienced the joys, wonders, and awe found in a Finnish sauna. The first day reintroduced me to the way...
Read moreDetailsIf there is a constant reminder in change leadership, it is the difference between action with understanding and doing what...
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