Political parties form the core of democratic societies. They are not required. However, in order assure victory of ideals, principles,...
Read moreDetailsPolitical parties form the core of democratic societies. They are not required. However, in order assure victory of ideals, principles,...
Read moreDetailsEach of us has a dream. Some might think of it as putting words to hope. Others describe it as...
Read moreDetailsEveryone needs answers. Proportionally to one’s desires or fears the desperation to get, have, or source the answer changes. Some...
Read moreDetailsPrevaricate is a tough word. First, it isn’t a word traditionally or normally found in our vocabulary. We do not...
Read moreDetailsTrusting another’s words is relatively easy when the details are ones that intuitively rings true. With new ideas the time,...
Read moreDetailsEach generation starts with a very different knowledge base. It is as if the previous generation established a table full...
Read moreDetailsI have a personal theory about my interview technique. I describe it as a theory because I doubt that I,...
Read moreDetailsThe best discoveries come after one has been on the quest for some time. Lists are endless; God, a special...
Read moreDetailsCertain things have always been unbelievable. When I was young we used to visit the Kodaikanal hill-station. Kodai was great!...
Read moreDetailsWhen the word “dream” gets anywhere near my ear I find myself flashing back to the time I was nine,...
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