I listen to lots of ideas on how one can respond to this situation or that. Given the variations of...
Read moreDetailsI listen to lots of ideas on how one can respond to this situation or that. Given the variations of...
Read moreDetailsThere are several friends of mine, dear ones, I feel connected to. The connection transcends having fun together, even though...
Read moreDetailsLife often seems to take more steps towards the back than to the front. News of peace today seems to...
Read moreDetailsThe conversation was so different from the one we shared months ago. The old day’s phrases of “I don’t understand”,...
Read moreDetailsBusiness cases and logical proof statements are interesting things. After the rhetoric, when one has finally waded through presentations and...
Read moreDetailsIn casual observations I see more people lost to snips found in the casual moments than to big, major, direct...
Read moreDetailsIt is easy to get caught up in life. Deadlines to meet require every ounce of our focus and energy. ...
Read moreDetailsDuring my lifetime there have been several moments where one could see the worst of human history under construction. Cambodia,...
Read moreDetailsKnowing the rules is critical if one wants to win. Metaphorically this applies to everything in life! Are you are...
Read moreDetailsEvents, stuff happen. Sometimes one sees opportunities. On other occasions one wonders. Then there are the days where everything is...
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