I can vividly remember the evening. We really wanted to be with Dad. Rich and I knew that he had...
Read moreDetailsI can vividly remember the evening. We really wanted to be with Dad. Rich and I knew that he had...
Read moreDetailsHow can one focus when there is so much noise? Is it possible to be single minded when everyone is...
Read moreDetailsWith information comes responsibility. One can sit or spring into action. People make a spectacle of themselves; others watch. Reporters...
Read moreDetailsReactions are just what they are, an immediate response to an event, situation, or circumstance. If we could look at...
Read moreDetailsThere something powerful when the words are coming from someone who has first hand knowledge. I first saw this with...
Read moreDetailsThere are some things in life where no matter how hard I try, what disciplines I employ, the sum of...
Read moreDetailsDo words on a piece of paper make them true? Can we trust what we read? Are we willing to...
Read moreDetailsWorks is endless. No matter what one does there is more. In spite of intense efforts there is yet more....
Read moreDetailsIn the midst of the argument it is hard to remember or anticipate good times. The debate seemed overwhelming. The...
Read moreDetailsDepending on one’s view and understanding, what God would like, wants, or demands from us varies and varies significantly. I...
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