In the midst of the argument it is hard to remember or anticipate good times. The debate seemed overwhelming. The issues were drawn hard and clear. Differences between the two sides were obvious to everyone inside and outside of the discussion. In the mist of all this could anyone anticipate that the two at the center of the storm would go on to become the most intimate friends?
Evil appears to be winning. The pain from those who most resemble our self exploiting or over-powering the situation is far too obvious. Inner city violence, abuse, muggings, and anger spilling into gunshots and death; it is easy to write about and much harder to deal with when it is personal. Take these situations and play them out in every village and hamlet anywhere in the world and you are just beginning to describe life today. I have yet to find a culture, family, or geography that is safe from the new reality. Even traditional professions are not immune; going “postal” is a term that applies to all forms of work and people relationships! Is the future for you and I already written?
Perhaps what we need is a vivid imagination to pain the picture that comes with the hope that God offers each. God’s documents and offers experiential proof that love, compassion, and mercy have already won the battle. If we can taste this and start our extended meal with Divinity it will take everything in our wildest dreams to believe what will happen in the near future. John testifies that our darkness will be replaced and “never again will there be any night. No one will need lamplight or sunlight. The shining of God, the Master, is all the light anyone needs.” (Revelation 22.5)
In the mist of the harsh reality today you and I have choices. Will we step out in courage, holding onto God for life itself, and realize the unimaginable? We can! The offer is here. We can begin what seems impossible. The outcome can be real starting with our “yes” to God.