What to do?
It is always interesting, cynically fun, when a person sees what every multinational corporation is like for the first time....
Read moreDetailsIt is always interesting, cynically fun, when a person sees what every multinational corporation is like for the first time....
Read moreDetailsI worked with a manager that talked about his love of the job. The reason he said was that he...
Read moreDetailsIt can be so, so frustrating at times. Someone out to “get you” lies, cheats, and steals your reputation and...
Read moreDetailsIn a crisis, things seem like they will never end. Remember your thoughts during the middle of any war. Initially...
Read moreDetailsLife is very harsh. Make a mistake? Everybody knows about it and enjoys a laugh at your expense. Are things...
Read moreDetailsThe use of a common language and even shared words doesn’t mean that both parties understand what the other is...
Read moreDetailsThere is a cycle that occurs with every break. My mind spins into neutral, I relax, and life begins to...
Read moreDetailsI love sailing, every aspect. While I am a fan of power anything, GPS navigation, and automated pilot steering for...
Read moreDetailsThere is an interesting irony that we usually find difficult to reflect on. It goes something like this. Passionate beliefs...
Read moreDetailsIt the midst of disasters, high pressure situations, and crunch time before a deadline it is hard to admit to...
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