Words can paint a picture that draws one quickly to the obvious conclusion. The clich?s follow the pattern “a rose...
Read moreDetailsWords can paint a picture that draws one quickly to the obvious conclusion. The clich?s follow the pattern “a rose...
Read moreDetailsThe clich? tells me timing is everything. The underlying theme goes back to a saying attributed to the wise man...
Read moreDetailsWhen I look at conflicts in the world it is hard to read newspapers and understand what is really going...
Read moreDetailsThe human soul looks for help, even as it tries to do everything by and for their self. We thirst...
Read moreDetailsWhen I begin to serious talk about my work with someone outside of the business one can see the glaze...
Read moreDetailsThe impact of pain is everywhere. People die from bullets and anger. They are overwhelmed by cancer regardless of diets...
Read moreDetailsIn the quietness of the morning, usually in that five to six am range, it is almost too easy to...
Read moreDetailsIt is natural to want to be rewarded. There is an in-built mechanism that tells us that we will be...
Read moreDetailsI was so sure that I knew exactly what was going on. I understood the scene. I had everything in...
Read moreDetailsThe nicknames of my childhood have faded with the passing of child friendships. The cruelty still finds a tender spot...
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