The impact of pain is everywhere. People die from bullets and anger. They are overwhelmed by cancer regardless of diets and lifestyles. Depression reaches out and touches everyone. East, west, north and south all show the signs of people shaped and molded by the ravages of the realities of life. While it is true that some stand up better than most over the years, nobody gets by completely untouched.
In this context there is a common cry about God. Is God, or is God not, engaged in life? The evidence can be stacked up on both sides of the argument. It often seems that the side asking for God to get far more engaged always wins! They have the most evidence -scarred lives, the battered minds, and the ripped hearts. But I am not convinced.
I find in my life and others that I am close to far too much evidence that God is actively involved. The most profound miracle possible, changed values and priorities of the heart, is all around me! Unseen acts of mercy, amazing lengths of patience and kindness, and ongoing love all testify of God engagement in individual lives. When I listen to the passion of the concern about God is all screams of engaged compassion for people and creatures of this world. As I watch people giving up their time for others I see real hope.
The involvement with God is natural when God has permission to place love, hope, and forgiveness within our heart. Those seeds, pieces of God’s body and character, give each the opportunity to respond to the call of involvement and mission. We have a job to do!
Even as John watched in vision stunned by the details he found all heaven involved. The details give us insight into our own roles today. “I watched while the Lamb ripped off the first of the seven seals. I heard one of the Animals roar, “Come out!”” (Revelation 6.1)
You and I are invited to participate fully with God in life. No quiet stuff, big stuff with a roar!